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Social Development in 2018
JCK International Public Company Limited (the Company) and its subsidiaries recognize the importance of their responsibility to the community and society in every area the group has conducted the business, especially in the fields of caring for the environment, making relationship and providing benefits to be returned to the community.
In 2018, the Company organized the activities to support and develop the community regularly in the area which the Company has operated its business, whether in relation to education, improvement of quality of living and donation of items to the foundation to help those who face such hardship. The Company emphasizes on the collaboration of the Company, its staffs and the community. The main activities in 2018 were as follows:
Project “TFD Blood Donation to Support Humanity”
The Company in cooperation with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), organized the project “TFD Blood Donation to Support Humanity” to help for medical purpose at the office of TFD Industrial Estate, which in 2018 this activity has been organized 3 times.

Project “Plant the Trees in the Area of TFD Estates and Surrounding Communities”
The Company in cooperation with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), local authorities and community organized the project to plant the trees and release fishes at Wat Sukha Ram in honor of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun, King Rama X, on the occasion of His Majesty King’s Birthday Anniversary.

The Company together with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) invited the local authorities’ representatives, entrepreneurs and community to participate in the activities to study the industrial estate management system according to the ECO Green Network guidelines. The objective was to develop the industrial estate to be an Ecological Industrial Estate and to link the networks for social responsibility
Project “Annual Emergency Plan”
The Company together with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and the entrepreneurs in the TFD Industrial Estate participated in the training to prepare and be ready in case of emergency situation.
Project “Environmental Governance” (so-called “White Flag, Green Star”)
The Company cooperated with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), to conduct the annual Environmental Governance practice (White Flag , Green Star) for 2018 to encourage the participation of people to monitor and supervise activities of industrial factories and to strengthen relationships with communities surrounding the TFD Industrial Estate. It also supported the public sector to learn how to manage the environment and the safety of factories in the Industrial Estate.

Project “Save Klong Lam Chuad Duang”
The Company cooperated with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and the entrepreneurs in the estate had arranged the activity called “Save Klong Lam Chuad Duang” to enhance the efficiency in the drainage of community and agricultural areas which also supported the relationship among the business entrepreneurs, community and the local authorities.

Project “Environmental Quality Inspection
The Company together with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), and representatives from local authorities, entrepreneurs and communities surrounding the TFD Industrial Estate had held a meeting to consult about the guidelines to inspect the quality of environment in the TFD Industrial Estate in order to participate in determining the guidelines and methods to prevent any impacts on the communities and the environment surrounding the TFD Industrial Estate.

Project “Sponsorship of School Materials, Stationeries, Sport Equipment and Lunch for Students at Border Patrol Police School”
The Company together with the Kindness So Smile Group had organized the activities under the project “Kindness So Smile” which has been arranged continuously annually. In 2018, the Company had provided the school stationeries, sport equipment and lunchoen to the children in the Border Patrol Police School, Ban Mun Khao, Dan Sai district, Loei Province.
Other Activities that the Company Arranged with the Entrepreneurs and the Communities
Activity welcoming the Provincial Governor and colleagues
TFD Industrial Estate together with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) had arranged the activity by welcoming Mr. Suwit Kamdee, the provincial governor of Chachoengsao and colleagues to visit the production process of the entrepreneurs in the TFD Industrial Estate including the TFD Industrial Estate phase 2.

National Children’s Day 2018
The Company had cooperated with the Sub-district Administration Organization, the business entrepreneurs in the TFD Industrial Estate, the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and community leaders to bring learning materials, stationeries, sports equipment and consumables to hand on to students in schools surrounding the TFD Industrial Estate.
Make Merit Activity
The Company together with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), the entrepreneurs and communities surrounding the TFD Industrial Estate arranged the meritorious ceremony for the year 2018 in the occasion of New Year 2018

Red Cross Activity
The Company together with the government agencies of Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsao Province supported the activity of “Red Cross Day”.
Activity on The First Day of the Buddhist Lent
The company together with the government agencies, local authorities and the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand supported the first day of the Buddhist Lent activities at Tha Sa-An Temple on the occasion of Buddhist Lent Day of the year 2018.
Activity to Support the Culture, Local Tradition and SongKran Festival
The Company joining with the entrepreneurs in the Industrial Estate had supported the Thai traditional Song- Kran and Elderly’s Day of the year 2018 of Tha Sa-an Sub-district Administration Organization. The objective was to conserve and inheritance the Thai traditional culture.
Annual Ceremony Activity of Tha Sa-an Temple
The Company always emphasizes on the promotion and the conservation of Thai culture, the Thai wisdom and the preservation of Buddhism. It supported Tha Sa-an Temple for the activities In the annual worship of Luang Por To and the annual festival at Tha Sa-an Temple, Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsao province.